Happy Monday everyone! I can't believe we are only eleven and a half days away from the end of the school year! If your students are anything like mine they are getting restless and will only continue to get more crazy as the end of the year approaches. Since I only see my students a few more times before we leave for summer I wanted to have a fun project to end the year.
I was introduced to Storybird at a conference and thought it was a great resource. This website allows students to create chapter books, picture books, and poems. It has collections of artwork ready for students to use. I wish students could upload their own artwork, but the collections are wonderful and creative which lends to the creation of great stories.
Throughout the year we have looked at the elements of a story and what makes a story great. We are using all those things to create our own stories throughout the next few weeks. Students practiced using the website today and they really enjoyed it! They stayed on task the entire time and seemed to become familiar with the site quickly.
Below I have a tutorial on how to create your account and use the website. Hopefully you can help inspire creativity and keep your students interested until the end of the year!
Until next time, happy reading!